Parents | Parents | |||||
Thomas Martin | Eleanor Knott | ![]() |
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b. 8 Jun 1675 in Marblehead | b. 4 Jul 1683 in Marblehead | |||||
d. bf. 22 Jan 1759 in Marblehead | d. 4 Jul 1759 in Marblehead in Marblehead | |||||
HUSBAND | WIFE | |||||
Knott Martin | Sarah Arnold | |||||
b. 12 Jul 1708 in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts | ? | |||||
d. 22 Apr 1796 in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts | d. Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts | |||||
Relationship Events | ||||||
Marriage | About 1730 | Knott Martin to Sarah Arnold | ||||
Marriage | 27 Jan 1765 | Knott Martin to Ann Jackson, widow of Benjamin Girdler, in Marblehead | ||||
Children of Knott and Sarah Arnold Martin | ||||||
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Captain Thomas Martin b. 24 Jan 1732 Marblehead; m.17 Feb 1763 in Marblehead Martha Nicholson (bp. 28 Oct 1739 and d. 4 Jan 1816 in Marblehead); eight children: Thomas, Arnold, Emma, Martha, John, Peter, Martha, and Martha Martin; d. 16 Dec 1828 in Marblehead, age 96 | |||||
Captain Knott Martin, Jr. b. 31 Dec 1734 in Marblehead, m. 1) 27 Dec 1756 in Marblehead, Elizabeth Bowen (b. 27 Feb 1733 and d. 28 Jul 1809 in Marblehead); nine children: Sarah, Thomas, Elizabeth, Nathan, Mary, Knott, Ambrose, Nancy, and Hannah Martin; 2) Mercy Brooks (20 May 1750 and d. 21 Apr 1832 in Marblehead); d. 7 Jul 1822 in Marblehead, age 88 | ||||||
Sarah Martin b. 24 Jan 1736 in Marblehead, m. 11 Feb 1755 in Marblehead William Bennett; one child: William Bennett; 2) 12 Jun 1767 in Marblehead Lt. Robert Harris (bp. 18 Sep 1743 and d. 12 Dec 1794 in Marblehead); two children: Anna Martin and Deliverance Harris; d. 19 Nov 1799 in Marblehead, age 66 | ||||||
Captain Arnold Martin b. 26 Feb 1739 in Marblehead; m. 13 Jul 1777 in Marblehead, Sarah Griste Mugford (b. Sep 1750 and d. 25 Jan 1719 in Marblehead); six children: Sarah, John Griste, Arnold, Thomas, Knott, and Osman Cox Martin; d. 11 Nov 1824 in Marblehead, age 85 | ||||||
Captain John Martin b. abt. 1742 in Marblehead, m. 29 Dec 1768 in Marblehead, Mercy Brooks (b. 20 May 1750 and d. 21 Apr 1832 in Marblehead six children: Mercy, John, Sarah, Hannah, Knott, and Nancy Martin; d; abt. Jan 1810 in Marblehead; age 68 | ||||||
Hannah Martin b. 28 Aug 1743; m. 2 Sep 1766 in Marblehead Capt. William LeCraw (b. Jun 1737 and d. 20 Sep 1802 in Marblehead); six children" John, Hannah, Abigail, Sally, William, and Ebenezer LeCraw; d. 13 Oct 1835 in Marblehead age 92 | ||||||
Eleanor Martin b. 29 Mar 1744 in Marblehead, m. 23 Aug 1759 in Marblehead John Thomas Vickery (b. 17 Mar 1733, d. 1 Oct 1808 in Beverly); twelve children: John, Knott, William, Stephen Arnold, Richard, William Willett, Eleanor, Thomas, Joanna, Sarah Arnold, Nancy and Sally Vickery; d. 4 Dec 1821 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, age 77 | ||||||
Richard Martin b. 12 Jul 1747 in Marblehead, m. 14 Mar 1771 in Marblehead Hannah Cruff (b. 22 Oct 1752 and d. 4 Dec 1824 in Marblehead); eleven children: Hannah, Sarah, Mary, Richard, Thomas, Molly, Stephen Vickery, Elizabeth, Knott, Nancy, and Jane Martin; d. 19 Mar 1836 in Marblehead. age 89 | ||||||
Mary Martin b. abt. 1751 in Marblehead. m. possibly abt. 1769 John Goodman; d. after 1820, age at least 69 | ||||||
Children of Knott Martin and Ann Jackson | ||||||
Elizabeth "Betsey" Martin b. Dec 1765 in Marblehead; m. 3 Aug 1783 Thomas Doliber (b. 22 Oct 1762 and d. 10 Jan 1799 in Marblehead);; five children: Sarah Bowden, Elizabeth, Nancy Martin, Mary Spinney, and Thomas Doliber; d. 4 May 1843 in Marblehead, age 78 | ||||||
Bartholomew Jackson Martin b. 32 Jul 1768; m. abt. 1765 and d. 17 Oct 1823; m. 28 May 1789 in Marblehead Mary Bassett (abt. 1765 and d. 17 Oct 1823 in Marblehead); ten children: Mary M., Knott, Bartholomew Jackson, Alice Bridges, Anna, Elizabeth Maley, Patty, Unknown, and Benjamin G. Martin; 16 Nov 1826 in Marblehead, age 58 |
The article that appears below mentions the noteworthy trait about this family.
Knott Martin and his sister Sarah, who married Joseph Pedrick, are both our direct ancestors. Knott's first wife, Sarah Arnold, is a mystery to their many descendants. She has been linked by some to the Benedict Arnold family of Rhode Island (yes, family of the traitor), but I can find no evidence of that. (Sarah, the daughter of Benedict and Sarah Mumford Arnold married a man named Updike, then died not long after). A Family Search record has her as the daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Green Arnold and aunt of Benedict Arnold, but I can't find that confirmation either. The source of the Family Search information appears to be user submitted, and I could not determine the source. I requested research of the New England Genealogical Society to determine the ancestry of our Sarah Arnold, but they were unable to find wills for either Knott Martin or his wife Sarah Martin, which might have given us some clues. Knott was the first of many Knott Martins in Marblehead, and his son Arnold (carrying his mother's surname) is the first of many Arnold Martins.
Apart from the article about the family published in 1820, not much is known about Knott and Sarah. The article gives him the appellation "Dr," but that may be an error (his grandfather, Richard Knott, was a surgeon). Based on Marblehead culture at the time and the careers of the children we can learn about, it's more likely that he was a mariner of some kind. After Sarah Arnold Martin died, Knott married Ann Jackson, the widow of Benjamin Girdler. At the time of their marriage, Ann had two teenage daughters, Ann and Alice, who both married in 1767. Ann and Knott's two children together, Betsey and Benjamin were born in 1765 and 1767 respectively and grew up with the children of their aunts and uncles, many of whom were born about that time. Knott was grandfather to at least 75 children.
Nathan Bowen of Marblehead wrote a journal in which valuable information about his family and about Marblehead in general has been found and published. Dr. Knott Martin's son Captain Knott Martin married Elizabeth Bowen, the daughter of Nathan. Nathan Bowen's Journal for April. 22 1796 says " Old Mr. Knott Martin Died this forenoon aged 88 very sickly."
The first proof of relationship came from the article about the family's longevity. The rest is put together from various records on an individual-by-individual basis. A word of caution: be careful in associating spouses to the correct Martins, especially the numerous Arnolds, Knotts, Thomases, and Sarahs. This family had unusual luck (for the time) in raising large numbers of children while losing very few, and the convention of naming children after family members yielded many descendants of Knott and Sarah bearing the same names.
The goal of this project is to trace every line of ancestry to the arrival of its first immigrant to America. The basic information of each couple is considered complete when we know the dates of birth, marriage, and death for both spouses. their parents' names (or whether they were the immigrant), and the child or children in our ancestry line.
The lack of birth and probate documents made research of this family difficult. I believe that what I've collected is accurate, but more information may surface. The information on daughter Mary in particular would complete her record.