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About This Website

This website is a personal one with no commercial purpose. I have set it up primarily to capture the data for our family tree and to provide some items and links for my own access. Above is a beautiful shot of the San Diego, California skyline. I lived in the San Diego area for 35 years, and have several friends still in California or whom I met when attending school and working there before I relocated to the Southeast. One of the nice things about designing a personal site is that I can use images just because they appeal to me. I'm the one who will use it most often, and I don't mnd slow-loading images and loaded .pdf files, so I've made no attempt the minimize them for faster loading. Patience may be needed!

If I haven’t directed you here, chances are excellent that you’ve followed Internet links to one of the family groups in the family tree (these are the only pages that I've written to facilitate traffic). If you're a member of my family, welcome. Drop me a line to let me know you visited. And if you're researching shared members of the Tree, you're welcome also. I've enjoyed "meeting" some of the descendants of my ancestors.

From any page on the website, navigate back to the site’s home page by clicking on the page header that contains the LW logo.