Thomas Oliver - Elizabeth Grant Family Group

Parents   Parents
John Oliver Jane Waters Thomas Grant Ann Stanford
  b. 20 May 1705 in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts bp. 9 May 1703 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts   bp. 28 Apr 1708 in Marblehead b. 1 Mar 1708
  d. in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts d. in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts   d. Probate 1787 in Marblehead d. 19 Jan 1765 in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts
Thomas Oliver Elizabeth Grant
bp. 5 Nov 1727 in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts b. abt. 1731 in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts
d. Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts d. Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts
Relationship Events
Marriage 6 Nov 1749 Thomas Oliver to Elizabeth Grant in Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts
Children (Events in Marblehead Unless Stated Otherwise)
  Elizabeth Oliver bp. 24 Jun 1750; m. 18 Jul 1769 William Girdler; two children: William and Elizabeth Girdler
  Jane Oliver bp. 3 Jun 1753; m. 1) 10 Dec 1778 Thomas Courtis (d. bef. 1765); three children: Thomas, Thomas Oliver, and William Courtis; m. 2) 31 May 1785 William Goodwin (probate 7 Jul 1788); d. one child: Jane Goodwin; 3) 29 May 1791 John Hammond (b. 30 Oct 1770); five children: Mary, John, William Dennis, Edward, and Rebecca Elizabeth Hammond; d. 18 Oct 1849
  Miriam Oliver bp. 30 Nov 1755; d. 20 Jan 1838; never married
  Thomas Oliver bp. 28 Jan 1759; no further records
Mary Oliver bp. 11 Nov 1764; 29 Jul 1792 Arnold Martin (b. 27 Oct 1765, d. 22 Aug 1829); five children: Arnold, Oliver, Thomas, Mary Oliver, and Martha Martin; 24 Mar 1838

What We Know About This Family

An Overview of Their Lives

More information can be found about some of their children than about the couple themselves.

More About Some of the Children

  • Elizabeth married William Girdler, son of William and Grace Stacey Girdler, both of whom are descended from our direct ancestors Francis Girdler and John Stacey. Elizabeth and William had two children in normal succession, but no more after that in Marblehead. Either they moved to another location or one or the other of them died after the birth of the second child. I could find no further information.

  • Jane Oliver had children with three husbands and outlived all three, dying at age 87.

  • Mary Oliver and her husband, Captain Arnold Martin, are our direct ancestors and have their own family group page. Arnold's brother, Captain Thomas Martin and his wife Elizabeth Adams are also our direct ancestors. The grandchildren of these two couples, Thomas Harris Martin (son of Joseph and Martha Martin Harris) and Mary Oliver Lemaster (daughter of George and Mary Oliver Lemaster), were the parents of Martha Harris, mother of Joseph Harris Henderson. Arnold was a mariner and captained his own vessels. At one time, he was the Shipmaster for the Marblehead Harbor. Their three sons died in fairly young adulthood: Arnold, Jr. of consumption, Thomas while on a sea voyage, and Oliver of typhoid fever. Their daughter Martha married a Martin cousin, Knott, and had several children living well into her 90's. Arnold, Sr. died of consumption at age 63, and Mary outlived him by a decade or so.

Proof of Relationship

Proof of relationship is proven with the vital records.

What Else We Need to Learn

The goal of this project is to trace every line of ancestry to the arrival of its first immigrant to America. The basic information of each couple is considered complete when we know the dates of birth, marriage, and death for both spouses. their parents' names (or whether they were the immigrant), and the child or children in our ancestry line.

The research on this family is basically complete.



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